- Optimized for dual coil atomizers
- For regulated devices ~ 50 - 135 w
- For unregulated devices - mechs
- For experienced users
The Kings of dual coil DL! I can't get enough of these, they have everything a perfect coil needs.
Fast rump-up time, thick, cool, flavorful steam with big clouds and no overheating! Never!
They last very long before they gunk-up.
They have the biggest surface compared to the mass of the coil and they are compact because of the superfine thin core.
For all the Goons, Rabbits, Drops, Terks and all your favorite "clouds bro clouds" atomizers.
It's the best you've ever tried! Money back guarantee!
More cores with thinner wire (more surface - less mass) produce more steam without overheating. Coils stay clean longer! Exceptional taste!
8 core Alien DL 3 mm
2 coils in the package
Core 8 X 31 gauge (0.23 mm) Nichrome N80
Wrap 38 gauge (0.1 mm) Nichrome N80
4 wraps on 3 mm ID
- Single coil 0.2 Ω
- Dual coil 0.1 Ω
DO NOT use with devices with SERIES configuration. DO NOT use batteries with a damaged wrap. Use only good quality Samsung, Sony, LG, Molicel batteries with at least 20 amps discharge ratio. Always obey Ohm's Law. SAFETY FIRST!
FEB 2025 UPDATE:-Just put the 6mm 5 wrap 8 core in my other Titan V2. Super flavour and clouds. First class unrivalled coil making by Matija.
Many thanks
Ordered these 8 core in a custom configuration. Superb flavour and even at 135w my atty stays pretty cool so no heated juice in the tank. Am using in my Steamcrave Titan V2 with Steamcrave 6mm cotton and the set up is working brilliantly. These coils are 1st class
Quelle est donc cette sorcellerie ? Ces coils n'ont pas pu être fabriqués sur Terre... Dotés d'une impressionnante réactivité, ces coils restituent les saveurs avec une extrême précision, la vapeur est dense. J'en reste bluffé ! Un grand merci pour cette qualité que tu me fais partager, Matija. HandsMade Premium colis, quand on y a goûté, on s'en souvient très longtemps !
Grat coils even if it was a test at first to buy them
They will be the to go coils for my aromamizer and meson
2 of them in my aromamizer v3 at 80watts and even as test pulled down to 2.5mm diameter in my steam crave meson at 40watts
Thx guys for this coils