- Optimizirano za Single coil uparjalnike z malo manjšim pretokom zraka
- Za regulirane in mehanske naprave ~ 25 - 45 w
- Za izkušene uporabnike
- Lahko se uporablja tudi za Dual coil!
- Ni primerno za temperature control
6 Core Alien CLOSED RDL Mech so zelo podobni 7 Core Alien RDL tuljavam, le malo manjši. Zapolnili smo vrzel med tuljavami ki so vedno bolj priljubljene pri vseh vrstah RDL uparjalnikov.
Pregrevanje? Prevroča para? Ne & ne!
Bolje ne gre!
Lahko se uporablja tudi za dual coil.
Več jeder s tanjšo žico (več površine - manj mase) proizvaja več pare brez pregrevanja. Tuljave ostanejo dlje čiste! Imajo izjemen okus!
6 Core Alien CLOSED RDL 2.5 mm
2 tuljavi v kozarčku
Jedra 6 X 32 gauge (0.2 mm) Nichrome N80
Ovoj 38 gauge (0.1 mm) Nichrome N80
3.5 zavoji na 2,5 mm ID
- Single coil 0.236 Ω
- Dual coil 0.118 Ω
NE uporabljajte z napravami s SERIES konfiguracijo. NE uporabljajte baterij s poškodovano ovojnico. Uporabljajte samo kakovostne baterije, Samsung, Sony, LG, Molicel. Vedno upoštevajte Ohmov zakon. VARNOST NA PRVEM MESTU!
What can’t be sais about these coils… I have tried so many, but none come even close to HMC… The ramp is so fast and they cool even faster, you will have a hard time overheating them :) I changed the cotton after 10 days and the coil was clean I could not belive it. Also the flavour from these is superb🤌 they work the best with fruity flavour👌
With out doubt teh best flacour i have had in a RBA. Using on teh Sturdy One and these are fantastic running at 35 watts. Must have coil for RBA users
Best coil for Syline-R
Ordered them in 3mm, theyre really great.